Gain Complete Fleet Visibility with Telematics Integrations

Take maintenance management and asset tracking to a new level when you integrate telematics with Fleetio. Streamline preventive maintenance, automate data collection and get a comprehensive view of vehicle status.


Integrating Telematics Data into Fleetio

A telematics device isn’t just useful for determining driver location; it also gathers tons of data about your vehicles. That said, many fleet managers aren’t fully leveraging their telematics data, causing them to miss out on key insight into their fleets.

Fleetio integrates with over 20 telematics providers to help you collect and analyze crucial fleet data in a central location.

Unlike a traditional telematics provider, Fleetio is an all-in-one fleet management solution that allows for multiple integrations from other systems.

Supplementing telematics data with fleet management software helps you streamline maintenance processes and receive real-time odometer updates, inspection results and diagnostic trouble codes (DTC) to prevent downtime and improve fleet operations.

Efficiently Track Every Aspect of Your Assets

While knowing where your vehicles are on the map is important, fleet visibility encompasses much more than that. It also includes tracking the health of your assets, driver status and maintenance workflows.

Monitoring these aspects of your fleet is key to avoiding downtime and lengthening vehicle lifespan, but how do you know the status of your assets when they’re miles away?

Instead of waiting on Daily Vehicle Inspection (DVIR) results or breakdowns, Fleetio captures data from your telematics device to help you proactively track asset health and automate work orders.

Knowing driver status and location ensures your drivers are staying safe and productive on the clock. Pairing telematics with fleet management software provides better insight into driver behavior and improves team communication.

While telematics devices can pinpoint unsafe behaviors, like harsh braking, Fleetio helps you identify the effects these behaviors have on vehicles by monitoring service history and total cost of ownership.


Improve Preventive Maintenance with Automatic Odometer Updates

Preventive maintenance (PM) scheduling is key to proactively maintaining your assets and preventing breakdowns.

Because PM schedules are based heavily on odometer readings, many fleet managers have to wait for drivers to send odometer updates. These updates can be heavily delayed, as drivers are constantly on the move, and can result in costly expenses.

Telematics tools enhance Fleetio’s PM capabilities by pulling odometer readings in real-time, helping you stay current on routine servicing. Setting reminders and due-soon thresholds based on odometer readings keep your PM schedule organized and on-time.

Odometer readings automatically upload from your telematics device into Fleetio at midnight each day. You also have the ability to sync updates from individual assets at any time with one click. No more waiting on odometer updates from drivers!


Automate Repair Orders from DTC and Inspection Results

Even with a strong PM schedule, your assets will experience issues from time to time. Some issues are identified through DVIR, while some potentially serious issues can fly under the radar.

Whether you use Fleetio or a telematics integration's DVIR, Fleetio can automatically create issues from failed inspection items. From here, you’re able to quickly assign work orders to your in-house technicians or a third-party maintenance shop.

One of the advantages of telematics devices is monitoring what’s going on under the hood. The ability to flag DTC and engine fault alerts ensures you’re immediately aware of larger issues.

Pairing your telematics system with Fleetio allows you to see these issues in your fleet management software immediately. Fleetio also maintains a report of DTCs in order for you to see trends across your fleet.

Eliminate Manual Data Entry and Improve Accuracy

One of a fleet manager’s biggest challenges is collecting and organizing data from drivers and assets. Without a complete system of record, managers can’t easily track their assets.

Many fleets are still using paper-based systems to gather data, creating an information bottleneck between drivers and managers. Once data is collected from drivers days or even weeks later, all information must be manually entered into spreadsheets.

This system is not only inefficient; it also makes it difficult to garner any real insight into asset health.

Integrating telematics data into Fleetio ensures you are receiving accurate information from your assets in real-time, eliminating communication delays and hours of data entry.

Combining telematics data with other information in Fleetio provides a complete view of your fleet metrics in easy-to-read reports, helping you make decisions with confidence. Instead of focusing on data entry, you can focus on action-oriented tasks and tracking fleet metrics.

Easy Implementation with Telematics Providers

Fleetio has a variety of integration partners, including some of the most popular telematics companies including GeoTab, Samsara, KeepTruckin and Verizon. If you use a provider outside of our network, you can submit a provider suggestion, or use our Open API to build your own integration.

Setting up a telematics integration in Fleetio is quick and easy. This seamless onboarding process ensures you can start receiving telematics data, tracking assets and maximizing fleet efficiencies soon after you sign up.

Integrating your telematics system with Fleetio gives you constant asset visibility! Start a new trial or request a demo today!

About the Author

Laura Flowers
Content Marketing Specialist

Laura Flowers is the Content Marketing Specialist at Fleetio. When she’s not blogging, you can find her reading on the couch with her cat or in the studio tap dancing.

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