
Fleet Manager's Manual

The Fleet Manager's Manual is a compilation of articles and resources to help fleet managers take on their daily challenges. In addition to conversations with fleet industry professionals, this guide contains tools to help fleets track key data and improve fleet processes.

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Fmm cover
Fmm 8 Fleet industry professionals
with proven solutions
Fmm 2 Maintenance and inventory
management guides
Fmm 7 Free tools and
templates provided

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Learn how pros address common issues, such as:

  • How Abt leverages the right tools and incentives to boost fleet-wide productivity without sacrificing safety
  • Which steps Cherrylake took to reduce their repair costs from $500k to $350k, while still increasing their asset count
  • Why the City of Cambridge decided to ditch the formal training when rolling out new fleet technologies
  • How DeliverOL saved hours of back-and-forth with maintenance shops using automation