Vehicle Maintenance Log Software: 9 Must-Have Features

Vehicle maintenance log software streamlines the way you manage fleet maintenance. Leveraging software to manage vehicle maintenance automates workflows and enables team collaboration.


What Features Do the Best Vehicle Maintenance Log Softwares Offer?

Vehicle maintenance log software is one of the most powerful tools a fleet manager can leverage. Instead of manually tracking fleet maintenance on paper or in complicated spreadsheets, managers can get a complete view of service tasks, expenses and vehicle health in software.

Using vehicle maintenance log software maximizes visibility into your fleet maintenance strategy. Your team can log real-time maintenance information from the field via a mobile device. All information is automatically synced to your software, keeping you informed of maintenance status.

Choosing the best vehicle maintenance log software for your fleet may seem overwhelming. With so many options on the market, it’s important to find a software that fits your needs and can scale with you as your business grows.

The best vehicle maintenance log software has features that enable collaboration, maximize efficiency and enhance visibility. Here are the top features to look for when choosing a vehicle maintenance log software for your fleet.

1. A Configurable Dashboard

As a fleet manager, your time is valuable. You don’t have time to play phone tag with your team or hunt down information from outdated systems. Unfortunately, some fleet managers spend hours each day trying to source the right data to complete tasks. Not only is this frustrating, but it also causes inefficiencies across your operation.

Vehicle maintenance log software eliminates roadblocks by maximizing fleet visibility. Managers can get a complete view of fleet activity and high-level insights in a configurable dashboard.

Fleet management dashboards provide a bird’s eye view of your fleet’s day-to-day operations. From open work orders and service reminders to expenses and meter readings, you have a real-time look at everything that matters most.

Because your fleet is unique, it’s important to find a vehicle maintenance log software that allows you to completely configure your dashboard. If you’re targeting certain fleet key performance indicators (KPIs), put related information and graphs at the top of your screen. To get rid of excess information, simply hide features you don’t need.

2. A Synced Mobile App

Your fleet is constantly on the move. Managing fleet maintenance can be difficult with a dispersed team, especially if you’re tracking maintenance on paper.

Fleet managers need a way to monitor operations and communicate with team members in real time. When choosing a vehicle maintenance log software, it’s imperative to find one with a native mobile app.

Leveraging a software that pairs with a robust mobile app enables collaboration across your team. Drivers and operators can update vehicle details, and managers can receive instant notifications via mobile device, dashboard or email inbox. Being able to upload and access information from anywhere bridges the gap between field and office.

Instead of waiting to hear about vehicle issues at the end of the day, managers are instantly alerted to issues. Receiving instant notifications of inspection failures and vehicle issues enables you to schedule maintenance quickly, avoid downtime and increase efficiency.

3. Real-Time Collaboration

Your mobile app shouldn't only be a space for logging maintenance data. It should enable your team to collaborate and provide insight into maintenance issues. Real-time collaboration helps you increase clarity and avoid miscommunication.

A collaborative vehicle maintenance log software allows users to make comments and notes on virtually anything. Adding comments to issues, work orders, and other vehicle details allows you and your team to effectively collaborate and stay productive.

Because fleet managers need to monitor all fleet activities, you can also add a recent comment feed to your dashboard. Having a complete view of maintenance activities allows you to quickly dive into certain tasks and provide insight to your team.

4. Maintenance Service Reminders

Vehicle maintenance log software doesn’t just provide a system of record of service. It can also improve your fleet’s overall health by triggering service reminders.

Your fleet can take a proactive approach to maintenance by automating service reminders. Managers can create service schedules based on original manufacturer recommendations (OEM), mileage or hour intervals. Drivers can update vehicle status in a mobile app, or managers can integrate their telematics system to sync odometer updates automatically.

Managers receive notifications of upcoming maintenance tasks to ensure service is scheduled on time. Routine maintenance tasks help avoid downtime and help increase vehicle lifespan.

5. Digital Work Orders

Logging maintenance in software streamlines task management and enables you to track progress in a centralized system. Fleet managers can create and assign digital work orders to efficiently communicate service tasks with their team.

Managing work orders in a vehicle maintenance log software provides an audit trail of repairs. Managers can monitor maintenance and expenses in detail by tracking individual line items. Not only does this level of visibility enhance productivity, but it also allows you to monitor your maintenance budget in real time.

6. Maintenance Shop Integration

Fleet managers who outsource to third-party shops are used to playing phone tag with shops. Trying to approve and manage repair orders by phone can be frustrating and cause increased downtime.

Fleetio has transformed the way fleets interact with third-party vendors with Maintenance Shop Integration. With a vast network of national service providers and independent shops, Fleetio streamlines communication to increase efficiency.

Fleet managers can review and approve work orders digitally to ensure the correct tasks are being completed with the correct parts. Managers can monitor shop productivity to ensure service is completed on time.

This also eliminates hours of data entry regarding service and expenses. All service is consolidated into a single monthly invoice. Managing bills has never been easier!


7. Comprehensive Service History

Historical service data can provide key insight when conducting maintenance tasks. Recording all maintenance tasks in your vehicle maintenance log software allows you to store a comprehensive service history for all of your vehicles.

When planning maintenance tasks, you can refer to an individual vehicle’s service history. This data can inform you of recurring vehicle issues, notes about a certain type of oil to use or other critical insight.

Having a complete record of completed service tasks allows you to identify overarching patterns across assets. Spotting repair trends and other issues across your fleet allows you to develop necessary strategies to improve your maintenance process.

8. Maintenance Expense Reporting

Maintenance is one of your largest ongoing costs, so it’s critical to monitor expenses to control your budget. Vehicle maintenance log software makes it easy for you to track and analyze all maintenance costs.

Instead of manually crunching numbers and playing catch up with your budget, fleet management software automates expense tracking. Managers can view expense reports and share with stakeholders to optimize maintenance budgets.

Fleet managers can also automatically calculate their total cost of ownership (TCO). Having an accurate view of your TCO allows you to easily analyze expenses and make decisions that can improve your bottom line.

9. All the Bells and Whistles

Don’t try to prioritize features—use a software that has everything you need. Fleetio’s vehicle maintenance log software allows you to easily track and manage maintenance from anywhere.

Managers can collaborate with their team in real time to solve maintenance issues efficiently. Instead of wasting time on manual data entry, you can access real-time fleet data instantly with configurable software. Having all essential fleet data at your fingertips allows you to make data-driven decisions to help your fleet succeed.

Start your free trial of Fleetio or request a demo today to see how software can transform your fleet management plan!

About the Author

Laura Flowers
Content Marketing Specialist

Laura Flowers is the Content Marketing Specialist at Fleetio. When she’s not blogging, you can find her reading on the couch with her cat or in the studio tap dancing.

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