Automated Fleet Management Software

Automated Fleet Management Software

Fleetio takes the busywork out of fleet management tasks to increase efficiency and make life easier

No matter the size of your fleet, gathering accurate and timely data is a top concern in fleet management. When you’re manually recording fleet data, efficiency is challenged and data cannot be leveraged to make important decisions.

Fleetio puts manual fleet management processes on autopilot to reduce cumbersome tasks and make fleet management easier.

Manual data entry

Ensure data is accurate and timely

Fleet data must be collected accurately and timely in order to benefit from it. But the accurate and timely gathering and entry of data is a constant challenge in fleet management.

Data comes from a variety of sources and through multiple levels of the organizational chart. Not only do paper-based processes and manual entry create tedious tasks, but penmanship and undocumented sources can lead to inaccuracy and human error is inevitable. Plus data entry costs valuable hours each week.

Timely, accurate fleet information saves time, money and aggravation.

With Fleetio, fleets can simplify data collection, reduce inefficiencies and prevent inaccuracy. As vehicle odometers, fuel transactions, maintenance tasks and part quantities are automatically updated and recorded, data becomes consistent and trustworthy. Whether needed for compliance purposes or company leadership, reports are never in question.

Fleetio brings information from workers all the way up through levels of management to ensure clarity. Never question how many parts are on the shelf, if fuel transactions are missing or when the next preventative maintenance task is due.

Fleet vehicle odometer

Leverage data from other systems

Since fleet information is pulled from multiple sources and systems, it can be difficult to unify fleet data points and create an efficient process. Fleetio brings it all together and makes data actionable.

For example, mileage updates trigger preventative maintenance tasks. Fuel transactions provide accurate cost reporting and fuel efficiency stats. Parts and inventory purchase orders are populated in an accounting platform.

We believe software is best when its data can be leveraged by other systems.

When valuable external data is pulled into Fleetio, it provides more detailed reports and stronger ammunition for decision making.

Fleetio’s integration with third-party data sources like fuel cards and GPS tracking systems automates labor intensive tasks like logging meter readings and fuel purchases. This allows fleet managers to be more productive without working harder.

Service schedule calendar

Make fleet management smarter

When it comes to fleet management, there should be no guesswork involved. Vehicle notices, warranty recovery alerts and service and renewal reminders put your fleet operations on autopilot. Management becomes easy.

On the maintenance side, automated fleet management allows fleets to predict the future. When meter readings are collected, Fleetio forecasts preventative maintenance due dates based on actual usage, resulting in a lean maintenance approach.

Since internal mechanics or external vendors are often looking at over 20 vehicles, predictive maintenance allows fleets to plan and budget accordingly for upcoming service, eliminating unforeseen costs and downtime.

Extend the asset lifecycle

An automated process ensures accurate data on each fleet asset, giving teams what they need to extend the asset lifecycle. Establishing maintenance triggers and predicting maintenance due dates increases the usable life of an asset that would be more costly to repair or replace otherwise.

Since primary lifecycle costs are all tracked in Fleetio - depreciation, fuel, maintenance (parts and supplies), direct labor - fleets can maximize value and make better decisions regarding vehicle acquisition and disposal.

Ready to get started?

Join thousands of fleets running on Fleetio

Questions? Call us at 1-800-975-5304 or email